This application speaks of itself by the title that it is based on fashion trends. In this application we have come out with the best trends categorized by winter/fall and summer/spring season for both men and women. We have 6 categories each for both men section and women section in this app. We have come up with content which doesn’t only tell what’s new in fashion industry but also helps you understand about the trends and how men and women seek them. Then we have a category for images/pictures which will help you recognize about the trends and will give you a big picture on how you will be able to stylize yourself according to the different trends depicted in the app. We have made this app easier for both boys and girls and have done our best to come up with suggestions on their lifestyle, costumes, footwear, and hair-styles hyped with images. It is a symmetrical application and we hope that it will give you the value of your money spent on this ordered and neat application.
1- Summer/Spring Trends for Boys and Girls/Men and Women
2- Winter/Fall Trends for Boys and Girls/Men and Women
3- Fashion Accessories
4- Hair-Styles for Boys and Girls/Men and Women
5- +150 Pictures
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